Guidelines for driving on the freeway:
- In choosing a correct ramp to enter the freeway, watch for signs that read, DO NOT ENTER and WRONG WAY.
- When merging onto the freeway, you should be driving at or near the same speed as the traffic already on the freeway. If the acceleration lane is short, you will need a longer gap to enter traffic.
- Entering a freeway from the left is more challenging due to the higher speed of traffic.
- The speed limit on freeways in the country is 70 mph, minimum speed 55 mph.
- During normal driving conditions, your following distance when traveling on the freeway should be a minimum of 4 seconds. (4 seconds, however, will not allow you to brake in good time).
- When driving in the right lane of a freeway, you should expect merging vehicles at entrance ramps.
- A driver should scan 20-30 seconds ahead to identify potential problems on the freeway.
- After passing a vehicle, it is safe to change into his lane when you can see both his headlights in your rear-view mirror.
- If you are continually being passed on both sides while driving in the center lane, move to the right lane.
- On a freeway, an overhead sign with a yellow panel indicates an exit lane.
- Weave lanes are more dangerous because they serve both entering and exiting traffic.
- If traffic is heavy in the right lane, you should move to the center lane.
- If the exit ramp you want to use is entirely backed up with traffic, you must continue to the next exit.
- The "Move Over Law" requires drivers to slow down and proceed with caution if unable to change lanes away from an incident or parked emergency vehicle.
- If you get on a freeway entrance ramp by mistake, continue onto the freeway and use the next exit.
- When approaching a freeway entrance ramp on the right, you can make it easiest for vehicles entering by moving one lane to your left.
- When getting ready to exit from a freeway, your should maintain your speed until reaching the deceleration lane.