Cooperating with tractor-trailer trucks:
- Semi-truck drivers have the most difficulty seeing to the sides and rear of their vehicles.
- They create wind turbulence. Be ready to compensate when passing them, especially during inclement weather. Leave as much space between them as you can.
- When passing, do not cut in front of the truck too quickly, because it will not have a good stopping distance.
- They make wide right turns. It therefore may be necessary for them to swing
out to the left in order to clear the curb. Stay back, whether you are
behind them, or on the street to which they are turning.
- They also drive with a large space cushion to the front since they take longer to stop.
- Avoid passing semi-trucks on the right; better to pass them quickly on the left.
- Do not try to pass a semi if you are within one mile of your exit.
- Be sure to follow from a greater distance any vehicle that blocks your view of the road ahead.
- When driving behind any large, slow-moving truck, you should maintain a space cushion that is large enough to minimize risks.