Scan for these hazards when driving residential:
- Kids at play, kids on bicycles, balls bouncing across street. Children doing the unexpected. Slow down, keep a safe distance, watch for them darting into street.
- Vehicles backing out of driveways. Decide ahead of time how to handle.
- Small animals, pets. Dogs, cats, squirrels. Check your rear view mirror before braking firmly.
- Uncontrolled intersections: T-shaped (side street yields to crossroad). 4-way (treat as a 4-way yield).
- Vehicles parked on side of street. Watch for doors opening. Keep a door's width away. If you don't have room to squeeze by an oncoming vehicle on a narrow street, pull over and wait behind parked vehicles.
- If you don't have room to squeeze by an oncoming vehicle on a narrow street, you should pull over and wait behind parked vehicles.
Residential streets do not have lane markings. Navigate down the middle whenever it makes driving safer.