
Considerations for driving in bad weather conditions:

  • During any bad weather conditions, slow down!
  • Avoid making fast turns and stops when roads are slippery.
  • During extremely heavy downpours of rain, pull off the road to a safe location until the downpour stops.
  • The loss of traction most difficult to identify quickly is hydroplaning.  One indication that hydroplaning can occur is when the vehicle ahead of you creates water splashes.
  • You can get a little better traction on wet roads by driving in the tire tracks of the vehicle ahead.
  • When a dense fog occurs, you should slow down, turn on your windshield wipers and your low beam headlights.
  • Assume that fog will become thicker after you enter it. 
  • On freezing, wet days, roadways on bridges and overpasses can hide spots of ice.  
  • In a rear-wheel power skid, your vehicle's rear tires are spinning. Take your foot off the accelerator and gently steer in the direction you want the car to go.
  • When a road is wet or slippery, your following distance should be at least 4 seconds.